Industry News

Know About the Electric Tailgate

Ansichten : 1427
Updatezeit : 2021-10-11 08:58:15
The electric tailgate is also known as the electric trunk. It means that the trunk is opened or closed electrically or by remote control. If you want to open the trunk, just press the button in the car or the remote control key, and the trunk will open by itself, if you want to close the trunk, just press the close button in the trunk or the close button in the car, or the remote control key the trunk will close by itself.

The basic structure of Electric Tailgate

The basic structure of the electric tailgate is composed of two arbor drive rods. The drive rod consists of an inner tube and an outer tube via a spindle drive where a motor and gears in the inner tube drive a threaded spindle that moves on a threaded nut fixed to the inside of the outer tube. The electric tailgate uses an electric spindle located in the motor inside the tailgate to open and close the luggage compartment lid. The spring also assists in the opening operation of the lid.

How to use the Electric Tailgate

1. The vehicle tailgate opener opens and closes. The tailgate is opened and closed by pressing the tailgate key on the vehicle's dashboard or tailgate. See the figure below, 1 is the tailgate key;
2. Induction type opening and closing. Hand or any object placed in the corresponding induction area of the tailgate can automatically open the tailgate, suitable for too many objects in hand when it is not convenient to use the manual or electronic car key.
3. Key for dashboard tailgate

The function of Electric Tailgate

1. Intelligent anti-pinch function

When closing the tailgate through the sensor detection of obstacles, electric tailgate open or close the process of encountering obstacles, the door will move in the opposite direction, effectively prevent pinching children or damage to the vehicle.

2. Hand-operated opening

The driver can open and close the tailgate by pressing the vehicle tailgate open key, remote control car key, or use hand or any object induction operation in the corresponding area of the tailgate, avoiding the inconvenience of opening the door due to too many objects in hand, easily and quickly achieve the object into the vehicle.

3. Height memory function

Tailgate open height can be adjusted, the owner can set the final open height of the tailgate through the hand control button according to the use of habits, just press the tailgate open key, open it to a predetermined height, and then lightly press the open key for more than 5 seconds, to hear a "beep", you can complete the tailgate open height settings. When the tailgate is opened next time, the height will automatically rise to the set height.

4. Emergency locking function

When you need to close the tailgate in an emergency, the electric tailgate can be opened or closed by the remote control key or the vehicle tailgate key to stop the tailgate at any time, the control is at your disposal.
We are an electric tailgate supplier, please feel free to contact us if you need them.
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